Emergency Tree Removal
Our team of local, certified arborists are ready to assist you with all your tree needs!Articles

Fun Facts about Trees
“Fun Facts About Trees.” TreesAreGood.org, International Society of Arboriculture, 2018, www.treesaregood.org/funfacts/funfacts....Learn More

Anatomy of a tree
Leaves Leaves carry out photosynthesis, making food for the tree and releasing oxygen into the air. And this tells us much about their shapes. For example,...Learn More

Deer Damage to Trees and Landscaping
One of the most frustrating things to deal with this time of year is having a deer snack on your beloved plants. Even if you are...Learn More

Wood Recycling
Wood Recycling in Springfield MO Wood is one of the most valuable recyclable materials because it can be transformed into a wide variety of secondary products. All...Learn More

Do you have an Elm tree?
Do you have an Elm tree? The Ulmus americana (American elm) requires special care in pruning. Unlike many other tree species, pruning must be done at...Learn More

Stumps Can Be Kept Alive by Other Trees
Once you reduce a tree down to a stump, it may seem like that is the end of the tree’s lifespan. However, this is not always...Learn More

Black Walnut Trees
BLACK WALNUT Juglans nigra Family: Juglandaceae (walnuts) Description: A large tree with a straight trunk and rounded, open crown. The nuts, spicy odor, large feather-compound leaves,...Learn More

Selecting Native Trees for Missouri
Many homeowners are discovering the benefits of planting native trees and plants. Native plants include all kinds of plants from mosses and ferns to wildflowers, shrubs,...Learn More

7 places to see fall colors in Springfield and the Ozarks
7 places to see fall colors in Springfield and the Ozarks. Gregory J. Holman and Wes Johnson, News-Leader Published 6:00 a.m. CT Sept. 27, 2017 It’s...Learn More