Tag Archives: Tree Planting Springfield MO

New Tree

Tree Planting – How To Care For Your New Tree

All About Trees Square LogoHOW TO CARE FOR YOUR NEW TREE:

  • Water the tree, slowly, and deeply. It’s best to let water trickle very slowly onto the tree roots, so it doesn’t create a puddle. Let a hose drip at the lowest setting for an hour, or use a 5-gallon bucket with small nail holes in the bottom. Make sure the soil is moist, but not saturated. Once a week is plenty in the winter, but you may have to water more in the summer or periods of drought.
  • Keep the tree pit or tree lawn tidy. Ongoing: remove weeds, grass, and debris from the base of the tree. Annually: Gently loosen the soil to allow more water and oxygen to penetrate through the top three inches of soil. This is where most of the tree’s root hairs are and how the tree absorbs water and nutrients.
  • Mulch your tree. Newly planted trees need to be mulched. If it washes or blows away, add mulch. Cover the tree planting area with a couple inches of mulch, as wide as the outer dripline, if possible. Remember not to pile mulch against the trunk; expose the trunk root flare. This prevents moisture and insects from accumulating around the bark.
  • Keep dogs and cats from relieving themselves in the tree pit, if possible. Dog and cat urine and feces are very alkaline and can harm roots.
  • DON’T feed your newly planted tree or fertilize during a drought. Forcing a water-stressed tree to grow will only cause further stress. Also, granular chemical fertilizer is a salt that could dehydrate the tree.
  • DON’T prune heavily except to remove dead, diseased, or damaged branches. Removing more than one third of healthy branches will substantially weaken the tree. Never “top” your tree!
  • Protect the tree. You may want to install tree pit guards, bollards, or other obstacles to keep your tree from being damaged by car doors, bicycles, dogs, etc. Trunk wounds can invite disease and weaken the tree.

Now that you know how to care for your new tree, you’ll be able to enjoy your tree for years to come! If you are having difficulty with your new tree, please give us a call at 417-863-6214 to set up an estimate. We would be more than happy to help you take proper care of your trees! We are a tree service, after all. To view a full list of our services, please visit https://allabouttrees.com/tree-services-tree-trimmers-springfield-mo/

For even more information on how to care for your new tree, please visit https://www.arborday.org/trees/tips/


Tree Planting Around Utilities

Tree planting season is upon us and planning before planting can ensure our trees here in Springfield, MO will thrive for years to come. While we have been busy making our tree planting list, we thought we would help remind our customers of how important it is to plant the right tree in the right place. Basic knowledge of proper tree care helps individual tree owners understand the quality of care necessary for the health of their trees. The following article, from a treesaregood.org brochure, provides great tips for tree planting around utilities.

To view the PDF in its entirety: http://treesaregood.org/treecare/resources/Avoiding_Conflicts.pdf


Avoiding Tree Planting & Utility Conflicts

Many factors should be considered prior to planting. Here are some helpful hints for tree planting around utilities.

Determining where to plant a tree is a decision that should not be taken lightly. Many factors should be considered prior to planting. When planning what type of tree to plant, remember to look up and look down to determine where the tree will be located in relation to overhead and underground utility lines.

Often, we take utility services for granted, because they have become a part of our daily lives. To ensure us the benefits of reliable, uninterrupted service, distribution systems are required to bring utilities into our homes. These services arrive at our homes through overhead or underground lines.
Overhead lines carry electricity, data, and communications. Underground utility lines may also carry those mentioned, plus water, sewer, and natural gas.
The location of these lines should have a direct impact on your tree and planting site selection. The ultimate mature height and spread of a tree must fit within the available growing space beneath and alongside the lines. Just as important, the soil area must be large enough to accommodate the particular rooting habits and an ultimate trunk diameter of the tree. Proper tree and site selection can provide trouble-free beauty and pleasure for years to come.

Overhead Lines
Overhead utility lines are easy to spot, yet often overlooked. Although these lines look harmless enough, they can be extremely dangerous. Planting tall-growing trees under or near these lines eventually require your utility provider to prune them to maintain safe clearance from the wires. This pruning may result in the tree having an unnatural appearance. Periodic pruning can also lead to a shortened life span for the tree. Trees that must be pruned away from power lines are under greater stress and are more susceptible to insects and disease. Small, immature trees planted today that have the potential to grow into overhead lines can become problem trees in the future.
Tall-growing trees near overhead lines can cause service interruptions when trees contact wires. Children or adults climbing in these trees can be severely injured or even killed if they come in contact with the wires. Proper selection and placement of trees in and around overhead utilities can eliminate potential public safety hazards, reduce expenses for utilities and their customers, and improve landscape appearance.

Underground Lines
Trees consist of much more than what you see above ground. Many times, the root area below ground is larger than the branch spread. Many of the utility services provided today run below ground. Tree roots and underground lines often coexist without problems.
However, trees planted near underground lines could have their roots damaged if the lines are dug up for repair.
The greatest danger to underground lines occurs during planting. Before you plant, make sure that you are aware of the location of any underground utilities. To be certain that you do not accidentally dig into any lines and risk serious injury or a costly service interruption, call your utility company or utility locator service first. Never assume that these utility lines are buried deeper than you plan to dig. In some cases, utility lines are very close to the surface. Locating underground utilities before digging is often required by law.

Tall Zones
Trees that grow 60 feet (20 meters) or taller can be used in the area marked “Tall Zone.” Plant large trees at least 35 feet (11 meters) away from the house for proper root development and to minimize damage to the building(s). These large-growing trees can be planted on streets without overhead restrictions if planting space is sufficient. Street planting sites should be greater than 8 feet (3 meters) and allow for a large root system, trunk diameter, and trunk flare.
Large trees are also recommended for parks, meadows, or other open areas where their large size, both above and below ground, will not be restricted, cause damage, or become a liability.

Medium Zones
Medium-sized trees that grow up to 40 feet (12 meters) tall are often used to frame or soften the appearance of structures or create a park-like setting. Appropriate soil spaces are wide planting areas or medians [4 to 8 feet (1 to 3 meters) wide], large planting squares [8 feet (3 meters) square or greater], and other open areas of similar size or larger.

Low Zones
This zone extends 15 feet (4.5 meters) on either side of the wires. Trees with a mature height of fewer than 20 feet (6 meters)
may be planted anywhere within this zone, including street tree plantings under utility lines. Such trees are also recommended
where soil volumes are too limited to support tall or medium zone trees.

Some Further Suggestions
Plant evergreen trees in the path of prevailing winter winds to serve as windbreaks. Plantings should be approximately 50 feet (15 meters)
or more from the house.
Plant deciduous trees (those that drop their leaves in the fall) to maximize shading in the summer. In winter, the bare canopies will allow
sunlight to reach the house.

Right Tree–Right Place
Planning before planting can help ensure that the right tree is planted in the right place. Proper tree selection and placement enhance your property value and prevent costly maintenance trimming and damage to your home. For further information on planting and helpful tips
on tree selection, refer to ISA’s brochures on tree selection and new tree planting. If you have any more questions, please contact your local
ISA Certified Arborist or tree care professional, utility company, local nursery, or county extension office.

©2011 (1998, 2004) International Society of Arboriculture.

Developed by the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA), a non-profit organization supporting tree care research around the world and dedicated to the care and preservation of shade and ornamental trees.

For further information, contact: ISA, P.O. Box 3129, Champaign, IL 61826-3129, USA.

E-mail inquiries: isa@isa-arbor.com

Works Cited:

“Avoiding Tree & Utility Conflicts.” Trees Are Good. Web. 14 Nov. 2016.

While you are planning your tree planting, why don’t you consider planting native Missouri trees! Click here to view a list of wonderful Missouri trees to make your yard look beautiful. 
