Tag Archives: Tree Pruning Springfield MO

alive stumps

Stumps Can Be Kept Alive by Other Trees

Once you reduce a tree down to a stump, it may seem like that is the end of the tree’s lifespan. However, this is not always the case. Sometimes, a tree can remain alive – with a little help from its neighbors.

Scientists recently found a kauri stump in New Zealand that is very much still alive. The stump, which is pictured above, was discovered while Sebastian Leuzinger was on a hike. Leuzinger noticed that this tree had live tissue, as opposed to the deadwood of a regular tree stump. Living stumps have been documented since 1833, but this is the first instance of this occurring (that we have found, at least) in the kauri tree (Ed Yong, The Atlantic).

This stump can only be kept alive one way: by exchanging nutrients and water with the trees surrounding it. The exchange of materials between trees is not a new phenomenon, trees have been found to use fungi to transfer nutrients from tree to tree. However, for this kauri stump to stay alive, it most definitely is connected to one or more trees via a root graft. In a root graft, the roots of two or more plants grow together and connect, allowing them to directly share resources without the help of fungi. Up to 150 species of trees are known to form root grafts (Kelly Mayes, Science).

Another thing that makes these living stumps remarkable is the anatomy of the tree. How it is set up, the tree pulls water up from its roots to its canopy. This action occurs as water evaporates off of the leaves, which then pulls up more water to take its place.

“The stump’s water flows at a fifth the speed of its neighbors’, but it does flow. The speed of that flow depends on what the surrounding trees are doing. If the neighbors’ sap flows faster, the stump’s sap flows slower. But if the neighbors reduce transpiration, whether at night or during heavy rain, the stump’s sap starts racing. This suggests that it isn’t just a passive part of its neighbors’ roots. Instead, it seemingly uses their downtime to gain more water” (Ed Yong, The Atlantic).

This is quite a remarkable find. While there is no evidence that all tree species can do this, and root grafting can only occur between two or more compatible species, this still has many implications for the tree service business. So if you have a stump in your yard that looks exceptionally alive or that you notice has living tissue rather than exclusively deadwood, you might have a living stump on your hands! A living stump does not pose any danger to your yard if it is left alone, and in fact, damage can occur to the living trees if root separation is attempted.

If you would like to know more about our Stump Grinding services, click here


Mayes, Kelly. “Trees Share Water to Keep This Dying Stump Alive.” Science, 25 July 2019, www.sciencemag.org/news/2019/07/trees-share-water-keep-dying-stump-alive.

Yong, Ed. “The Stump That Didn’t Die.” The Atlantic, Atlantic Media Company, 29 July 2019, www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2019/07/mystery-undead-tree-stump/594673/.


Retention Through Engagement

Below is an article Noel, our owner, recently wrote for TCI Magazine on employee retention through engagement

We all know how hard it is to find good help right now. While hiring great help is a challenge, it’s just the first part of building a great staff. Your company is probably a mix of experienced help, untrained new hires and everything in between. Maybe you are still trying to figure out which members of your team you want to retain and which ones you might need to “release to their destiny.” When do you start to invest in an employee’s long-term future in your company? More importantly, how are you going to retain your best people?

Compensation, security, growth, and management are just a few pieces of the employee-retention puzzle. Another element, and the one I want to focus on most for this article, is engagement. When employees are engaged, it means they are fully absorbed by and enthusiastic about their work. They are more likely to take positive actions to further the organization’s reputation and interests. Engaged employees feel they can make a difference and want to be a part of something larger than just their own position. Engaged employees are happier and more productive and are connected with each other.

Before I lay out some strategies to get your team more engaged, I must confess that I have failed in this endeavor numerous times in my own company. I have a small team of 13 people, and we have a very low turnover rate. Most of my employees have been with me for more than five years. But on several occasions, I have kept a productive employee around who I was not able to engage in our ethos of teamwork and constant improvement. Sure, they could climb a tree and operate machinery, but their unwillingness to buy in and become a part of our team culture led to other crew members not wanting to work with them and a general negative attitude within the ranks. Employee retention cannot be about keeping every employee; it has to be about keeping and engaging the best people and removing the ones who damage your company spirit.

Some of the basic tenets for engaging your employees are:

• Employees who understand their goals and how they relate to the company’s goals are more engaged.

• Employees who receive regular feedback and rewards are more engaged.

• Employees who are given opportunities to grow, learn and advance are more engaged.

I know, I just made it sound so easy. But we all know that none of these are as easy as they sound. I will share a few ways we have found to accomplish these goals in our company, with the disclaimer that what works in our culture may not work in yours. Because we are such a small company, we are able to employ many informal practices that may not be possible in larger companies. Engagement looks different in every company!

Having employees participate in tree-climbing competitions can be part of your investment in advancement. Climbers learn new tricks and techniques, while other crew members become emotionally engaged because of their exposure to a much larger view of our industry. TCIA staff file photo.

When it comes to understanding goals, there are countless ways to accomplish the task. I used to work at a company where each employee’s production was posted on a chart on the wall, where you could see your goals and compare them to others’. It worked there, but I chose a different route for our company because of my concerns that that system might cause more emphasis on competition within the company than teamwork and common goals.

We operate as an “open-book” company, so any employee can see where the money comes from and where it goes at any point in time. This gives all employees a better view of the big picture, and we welcome ideas from all team members on how we can be more efficient and profitable. As the company grows and becomes more profitable, all team members reap the benefits. Last year, every employee in our company received two raises because of their engaged efforts to raise the bar on quality and production.

For number two, feedback and rewards, we are always looking for better ways to let each team member know where he or she stands. To be honest, this practice is a very difficult one to manage in a company of any size. Part of the issue is that some team members really want to have the formal written employee review, while others prefer to just be pulled aside for a conversation about improvement – or a very public, kick-ass high five in front of everyone for their successes. We try to do a combination of both, although it is a struggle to make the time for formal reviews.

One other reward we use in our company is called “F-yeah Friday.” There are many weeks when we all get to the end of the day on Friday and everyone can just feel that we have had a really great week. We all gave 100%, nothing got broken, quality was top-notch and we worked safely. While there is no numeric formula that designates it as an “F-yeah Friday,” it is a feeling of team accomplishment that leads to the occasional unexpected meeting at the end of the day where everyone gets a few hundred dollars of cash from my checking account and a frosty beer while we talk about what our weekend plans are. While I eat the expense personally, it is worth it to provide them immediate feedback and reward for high performance as a team.

Of the three engagement tenets above, I most enjoy giving my crew opportunities to grow, learn and advance. One of our strongest cultural values is personal improvement. We encourage and reward credentialing. Because of the focus we put on certifications, we have two ISA Board Certified Master Arborists and seven more ISA Certified Arborists in a company of 13 people. While it takes time to get the ball rolling, I have found that once you get buy-in from a few, the interest in becoming certified becomes contagious. Another part of our investment in advancement is our company participation in the tree-climbing championship circuit. As a former competitor, I know how the competitions fueled my fire as I grew as an arborist. Now we have a company bus we take to several comps each year (except this year, as all were canceled!), and most of our team either compete or volunteer at the events. After every trip, the climbers on the crew can’t wait to use the new tricks and techniques they learned. The crew members also become emotionally engaged because of their exposure to a much larger view of our industry, instead of seeing only our little corner of the world.

I have many friends in the tree care business who have even better employee-retention rates than our company, and in every case, the reason is that their team is fully engaged and pushing together to be a success. Unfortunately, there is not room in this article to compile all the methods being implemented, but I am excited to have shared a few things that have worked well within our team. I encourage you to think of ways you might look past the usual tools of employee retention, like compensation and benefits. We will almost always find employees who are willing to stay if the money is right, but employees driven solely by income can poison your company’s culture. It is also unfortunate that some good employees will leave your company for personal reasons, even after you have trained them to proficiency. While it is disappointing to see a good employee leave after you have trained them, your company will suffer more if you don’t invest in them and they never go away.

If you would like to read this article on the TCI Magazine website, click here!

All About Trees is caring for Springfield’s urban forest, one tree at a time. 

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How to Review Us on Google

One of the greatest compliments you could offer us is to review us on Google. Not only is each review read and appreciated by our whole team, but it also helps us reach new customers! This allows us to take care of more of Springfield’s trees, which helps to make our community even better. If you have had a great experience with All About Trees, we would love to hear about it!  If you are willing to do so, it is quite easy! Please visit http://goo.gl/9trWh6

Testimonial by customer Bo Barks

Testimonial by customer Laurel Bryant

All About Trees Logo

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Click here to view our Certified Arborists in Springfield MO!

Please call the office of All About Trees at (417)863-6214 to schedule an estimate.
Business hours are Monday-Friday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm. If you miss us, please leave us a detailed voicemail message with your name, address, phone number, email, and tree concerns. We will give you a call back as soon as possible. 

We are a full-service tree care company based in Springfield, MO. We offer many services, including tree pruning and trimming, tree removal, planting, stump grinding, cabling and bracing, shrub trimming, and consultation.  All About Trees is caring for Springfield’s urban forest, one tree at a time.


Fun Facts About Trees

  • Dendrochronology is the dating and study of annual rings in trees.
  • General Sherman, a giant sequoia, is the largest tree (by volume) in the world, standing 275 feet (83.8m) tall with 52,000 cubic feet of wood (1,486.6m).
  • Leaves appear green because chlorophyll absorbs red and blue light energy, causing the green energy to bounce off the leaf’s surface.
  • Trees provide food and shelter for wildlife.
  • In one day, one large tree can lift up to 100 gallons of water out of the ground and discharge it into the air. Learn more tree facts.
  • Methuselah, an estimated 4,765-year-old ancient Bristlecone Pine, is one of the oldest living trees in the world.
  • Tree shaded surfaces can be 20–45°F (11–25°C) cooler than surfaces in direct sun, helping homeowners reduce summer cooling costs. Find out more about trees and the environment.
  • Consumers have a 12% higher willingness to pay for goods and services in retail areas that have streetscape greening such as street trees and sidewalk gardens. More on the benefits of urban greening.
  • Trees reduce stormwater runoff by capturing and storing rainfall in the canopy and releasing water into the atmosphere through evapotranspiration.

“Fun Facts About Trees.” TreesAreGood.org, International Society of Arboriculture, 2018, www.treesaregood.org/funfacts/funfacts.

Contact Us:


All About Trees Now Employs Two ISA Board Certified Master Arborists!

The ISA Board Certified Master Arborist credential is the highest level of certification offered by International Society of Arboriculture (ISA). This credential recognizes ISA Certified Arborists who have reached the pinnacle of their profession. In addition to passing an extensive scenario-based exam, candidates must abide by a Code of Ethics, which ensures the quality of work. Fewer than two percent of all ISA Certified Arborists® currently hold this certification, and All About Trees has two! We are very lucky to have two individuals with the Board Certified Master Arborist credential.

This is a remarkable achievement! To view more information on this certification and its requirements, please visit https://www.isa-arbor.com/Portals/0/Assets/PDF/Certification-Applications/cert-Application-BCMA.pdf


Certified Arborist Noel in a tree
Noel Boyer
ISA Board Certified Master Arborist®


Certified Arborist Will in a tree
Will Branch
ISA Board Certified Master Arborist®



Our Certified Arborists

In addition to two Board Certified Master Arborists, All About Trees also has seven ISA Certified Arborists on staff. To view a list of our Certified Arborists, click here!

Contact Us:

If you would like to schedule an estimate, please call the office at 417-863-6214. Our office hours are Monday-Friday, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm. If you miss us, please leave us a detailed voicemail message with your name, address, phone number, email, and tree concerns.

We prefer a call, but if you are unable to do so, please use the contact form below.

    Emerald Ash Borers

    Missouri Emerald Ash Borer (EAB)

    The emerald ash borer (EAB) is a serious threat to ash trees in Missouri. This invasive pest will eventually kill unprotected ash trees. Many trees can be saved with the careful use of systemic insecticides. However, not all ash trees should be treated, and for many locations the start of treatments should be delayed.

    1. What is emerald ash borer (EAB)?
    EAB is an exotic, invasive, wood-boring beetle that infests and
    kills ash trees in forests and urban areas.

    2. What does EAB look like?
    The adult beetle is dark metallic green with a bullet shaped body
    that is one-half inch long and one-eighth inch wide. EAB larvae
    (immature stage) are flat, creamy-white grubs with distinct bellshaped
    body segments. Adult beetles are usually seen from midMay
    through July on or near ash trees; larvae are found under the
    bark of ash trees during the remaining months of the year.

    3. Where did EAB come from?
    The native range of EAB is eastern Russia, northern China
    and Korea.

    4. How does EAB spread?
    EAB adults generally fly less than a half mile to mate and lay eggs
    on ash trees, making the natural spread of this pest relatively
    slow. Humans, however, can easily move EAB long distances in
    a short period of time. EAB can hitchhike under the bark of ash
    firewood, ash nursery stock, and ash logs and lumber, emerging
    from these materials to start an infestation in a new area.

    5. When was EAB first discovered in the USA? How did it get there?
    EAB was discovered infesting and killing ash trees in the Detroit,
    Michigan area in 2002, but researchers estimate it may have been
    in that area for ten years prior to the initial detection. EAB was
    likely introduced to the US in ash wood used for packing and crating
    goods imported from China.

    6. Where and when was EAB found in Missouri? How did it get here?
    EAB was detected in Missouri in July of 2008. It was found near
    Lake Wappapello at the US Army Corps of Engineers’ Greenville
    Recreation Area in Wayne County. EAB was likely introduced to
    Missouri by a camper bringing infested ash firewood from another

    7. Where is EAB now?
    Visit eab.missouri.edu to view a current map of Missouri

    8. What is being done about EAB in Missouri?
    Several state and federal agencies are responding to the EAB
    threat. Field surveys are done annually to look for new EAB
    infestations. A statewide quarantine has been put in place
    to help slow the spread of EAB. The quarantine prohibits
    movement of hardwood firewood, ash trees, untreated ash
    material (chips, logs, etc.), and EAB itself from Missouri.
    Information about how to respond to EAB and the risks of
    firewood movement is being publicized to communities,
    industries and the general public. Cost-share funds are
    provided to communities to help them prepare for EAB’s arrival.
    Stingless wasps that parasitize and kill EAB eggs and larvae
    are being released at several locations to establish them as
    biological controls to help reduce EAB populations.

    9. How can I help slow the spread of EAB?
    Don’t move firewood! Inform your friends and neighbors of
    the risks of moving firewood. If EAB hasn’t been found in your
    county, keep an eye out for it on ash trees and report any
    possible sightings to officials. Once EAB is known to be in
    your county, consult the EAB Management Guide for Missouri
    Homeowners for advice on managing this destructive insect on
    your ash trees.

    10. Does EAB have any natural enemies?
    In North America, EAB is frequently eaten by woodpeckers.
    There are also a few species of tiny, stingless wasps that
    parasitize EAB eggs and larvae. These wasps have been
    released in a few locations where EAB has been detected
    to help reduce EAB populations. For more information on
    EAB biological control, visit agriculture.mo.gov/plants/pests/

    11. Where can I get more information?
    Visit eab.missouri.edu or call the EAB Hotline at 1-866-716-
    9974 for more information related to EAB in Missouri. Other
    websites with valuable information include
    emeraldashborer.info and dontmovefirewood.org.

    Works Cited:

    Extensiondata.missouri.edu. (2018). Emerald Ash Borer FAQ. [online] Available at: https://extensiondata.missouri.edu/Pub/docs/v00001/EABfaq.pdf?_ga=2.45824420.1413572983.1539713852-1962532674.1539713852 [Accessed 16 Oct. 2018].

    Extension2.missouri.edu. (2018). Tree Pests: Emerald Ash Borer. [online] Available at: https://extension2.missouri.edu/v1 [Accessed 16 Oct. 2018].

    Our Certified Arborists

    To view a list of our Certified Arborists, click here!

    Please call the office of All About Trees at (417) 863-6214 or fill out a contact request form to schedule an appointment for an estimate.

    Phone: (417) 863-6214
    Address: 3427 W. Farm Road 146, Springfield, MO 65807


    Why Hire an Arborist?

    What is a Certified Arborist?

    Arborists specialize in the care of individual trees. They are knowledgeable about the needs of trees, and are trained and equipped to provide proper care. Hiring an arborist is a decision that should not be taken lightly. Proper tree care is an investment that can lead to substantial returns. Well cared-for trees are attractive and can add considerable value to your property. Poorly maintained trees can be a significant liability. Pruning or removing trees, especially large trees, can be dangerous work. Tree work should be done only by those trained and equipped to work safely in trees.

    Learn more about why you should hire an arborist.

    An arborist by definition is an individual who is trained in the art and science of planting, caring for, and maintaining individual trees. ISA arborist certification is a nongovernmental, voluntary process by which individuals can document their base of knowledge. Certified Arborists are individuals who have achieved a level of knowledge in the art and science of tree care through experience and by passing a comprehensive examination developed by some of the nation’s leading experts on tree care.

    Find an Arborist

    Services an Arborist can Provide

    • Pruning. An arborist can determine the type of pruning necessary to maintain or improve the health, appearance, and safety of trees.
    • Tree Removal. Although tree removal is a last resort, there are circumstances when it is necessary. An arborist can help decide whether a tree should be removed.
    • Emergency Tree Care. An arborist can assist in performing emergency tree care in a safe manner, while reducing further risk of damage to property.
    • Planting. Some arborists plant trees, and most can recommend species that are appropriate for a particular location.
    • Plant Health Care. Preventive maintenance helps keep trees in good health while reducing any insect, disease, or site problems.
    • Many other services. Consulting services, tree risk assessment, cabling and bracing trees, etc.

    Learn more about hiring a Certified Arborist.

    Our Certified Arborists

    To view a list of our Certified Arborists, click here!

    Please call the office of All About Trees at (417) 863-6214 or fill out a contact request form to schedule an appointment for an estimate.

    Phone: (417) 863-6214
    Address: 3427 W. Farm Road 146, Springfield, MO 65807


    Home. (n.d.). Retrieved October 5, 2018, from https://www.treesaregood.org/treeowner/whyhireanarborist


    Benefits of Trees

    Benefits of Trees

    Have you ever imagined what the world would be like without trees? The benefits of trees extend beyond their beauty. Trees planted today will offer social, environmental, and economic benefits for years to come.

    Learn more about the benefits of trees.

    Social Benefits

    The social benefits of trees go beyond enjoying their beauty. Humans feel a calming effect from being near trees. The serenity we feel can significantly reduce stress and fatigue, and even decrease recovery time from surgery and illness.

    Communal Benefits

    With proper selection and maintenance, even trees can provide benefits to the community. Trees provide privacy, accentuate views, reduce noise and glare, and even enhance architecture. Natural elements and wildlife are brought to the urban environment which increases the quality of life for residents within the community. As well, fruit trees in public green spaces can have the added benefit of providing fresh fruit to the community.

    Environmental Benefits

    Trees alter the environment we live in by moderating climate, improving air quality, reducing stormwater runoff, and harboring wildlife.

    Examples of the environmental benefits of trees:

    • Trees help moderate temperatures by creating a cooling effect which can counteract the heating effect of pavement and buildings in an urban environment.
    • Compact tree foliage can serve as a windbreak, as well as provide protection from rainfall.
    • Leaves filter the air we breathe by removing dust and other particulates and releasing oxygen.
    • Trees provide shelter for small animals, such as squirrels and birds.

    Economic Benefits

    The economic benefits of trees are both direct and indirect. Property values of landscaped homes are 5 to 20 percent higher than those of non-landscaped homes based on the species, size, condition, and location of the trees included in the landscape. Trees also provide shade which can lower cooling costs for your home and reduce heating costs in the winter by acting as a windbreak.

    An arborist can help you determine the value of trees by providing an appraisal. Documentation on the value of trees in your landscape can assist with determining the property value, as well as help with insurance claims in the event of a loss.

    Learn more about the value of trees

    Maximizing the Benefits of Trees

    Trees provide numerous benefits but in order to maximize a tree’s benefits routine maintenance is required. Though these benefits begin the moment a tree is planted, they are minimal compared to the benefits of a mature tree. The costs associated with removing a large tree and planting a young tree can outweigh the costs of regular tree maintenance practices such as tree inspection, pruning, and mulching.

    Learn more about mature tree care


    International Society of Arboriculture

    www.isa-arbor.com • p. +1 217.355.9411 • isa@isa-arbor.com

    ©International Society of Arboriculture 2009-2018
    Email comments and questions to ISA
    Thursday, January 11, 2018, 11:42:30 AM (CST/ISA Headquarters Time)
    Please click here to view our privacy policy.
    Works Cited: 
    “Benefits of Trees.” Trees Are Good, International Society of Arboriculture, 11 Jan. 2018, 11:45, www.treesaregood.org/treeowner/benefitsoftrees.

    Continue reading


    The Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA) – Board of Directors

    The Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA) – Board of Directors

    There are almost 200,000 people working in the tree care industry in the United States. Hi, this is Noel from All About Trees. Like most other trades, we have our own industry associations. The Tree Care Industry Association has almost 2,500 member companies, and it helps tree care companies meet current standards for safety and quality. I’m proud to announce that I’m the newest member of the board of directors for the association. I am by far the smallest company represented on the board, but I was chosen because of All About Trees reputation nationally, for our quality and company culture. It’s an honor to serve on this board and a chance for me to help other small companies, nationwide, with their dreams of growing their business and keeping their employees safe and happy.

    All About Trees is a small business in Springfield Missouri, making waves on a national scale. If you need tree work, I hope you’ll give us a chance to show you how we are different. Look us up at www.allabouttrees.com.

    All About Trees is caring for Springfield Urban Forest one tree at a time.




    To view a list of our Certified Arborists, click here!

    Please call the office of All About Trees at (417) 863-6214 or fill out a contact request form to schedule an appointment for an estimate.

    Phone: (417) 863-6214
    Address: 3427 W. Farm Road 146, Springfield, MO 65807


    7 Places to See Fall Colors in Springfield and the Ozarks

    7 places to see fall colors in Springfield and the Ozarks



    (Photo: News-Leader file photo)

    Gregory J. Holman and Wes Johnson, News-Leader Published 6:00 a.m. CT Sept. 27, 2017

    It’s leaf-peeping season in the Ozarks. As summer temperatures slide into fall’s chilly breezes, leaves transform from bright green to a range of fall colors: golds, reds, oranges and purples. And some brown. Why brown? Drought is a part of this year’s fall-foliage season. The National Weather Service announced Sept. 14 that much of the Ozarks and the eastern half of the state is undergoing light drought conditions. Drought is already making yellow and brown leaves appear on trees in the Show-Me State right now, a forestry specialist told the Columbia Missourian Tuesday. “The reason we are seeing some yellows now is due to the lack of rainfall these past few weeks,” Hank Stelzer, a forestry extension specialist at Mizzou’s College of Agriculture, told the paper. Typically, mid-October is peak fall color season in Missouri, though predicting exactly when those autumn hues will come to life is “difficult,” according to a Missouri Department of Conservation website. Search “fall color” at nature.mdc.mo.gov for more details, along with a weekly updated guide to how the leaves are doing in each of Missouri’s regions. The latest on southwest Missouri is that leaves are “beginning to turn.”

    Despite the drought, the classic reds, oranges and purples are on their way, Missouri Department of Conservation officials said in a separate news release. To appear, those colors just need cool — not freezing — autumn nights. Cool air helps trap natural sugars inside the leaves, forming “building blocks” for the full range of fall colors. Meanwhile, cool air breaks down the leaves’ green pigments. Where to find showy, beautiful trees this year? It’s not hard, but here are 7 tips on where to experience fall in all its glory in Springfield and the Ozarks.


    1. Urban leaves: Maple Park Cemetery

    Topping the list and so easy to see is Maple Park Cemetery in the heart of Springfield, on Grand Street between Campbell and Jefferson avenues. The cemetery is filled with maple trees, which arguably produce the most vivid colors of any tree in the Ozarks. Maple leaves always contain bright red pigments once the green chlorophyll fades away.

    Fun fact: Maple Park Cemetery is accessible by a City Utilities bus. Take the red line.

    Fall color at the Springfield Conservation Nature CenterBuy Photo

    Fall color at the Springfield Conservation Nature Center Tuesday, October 27, 2009. (Photo: News-Leader file photo)

    1. Riverside leaves: the James River

    Hiking trails and paddling trips on the James River offer great ways to get outdoors and experience the fall colors.

    Walking trails at the Springfield Conservation Nature Center take wanderers down to the river’s edge. Sycamores, oaks and ash trees will soon turn from green to yellow, orange and gold.

    Splash your canoe or kayak at Lake Springfield and follow the James River Water Trail five miles upstream to enjoy trees changing color along the shoreline.

    In fact, MDC recommends routes along any river with views of forested bluffs and on float trips under a colorful forest canopy.

    The cold, blue waters of Ha Ha Tonka Spring emerge

    The cold, blue waters of Ha Ha Tonka Spring emerge from a towering rock bluff. (Photo: File photo)

    1. Laughing water leaves: Ha Ha Tonka State Park

    Another beautiful fall hike among the trees, the trails at the 3,751-acre Ha Ha Tonka State Park, an hour and 20 minutes northeast of Springfield, are a great place to see the changing trees and towering karst cliffs up close.

    The park and its historic stone castle ruins was voted fourth best state park in the nation by readers of USA TODAY.  Not to be missed: The deep blue Ha Ha Tonka spring that pours 58 million gallons of water a day into a forest stream from the base of a massive vertical stone wall.

    A small waterfall trickles into a crystal clear poolBuy Photo

    A small waterfall trickles into a crystal clear pool at Cedar Gap Conservation Area. (Photo: Wes Johnson/News-Leader)

    1. Hiking leaves: Cedar Gap Conservation Area

    If you’re up for a vigorous walk, Cedar Gap Conservation Area in Wright County is just 30 minutes east of Springfield, south of U.S. 60 highway.

    The moderately strenuous hiking trail takes visitors downhill through oaks, pines and dogwood trees to a gurgling clear creek that forms the headwaters of Bryant Creek. The first half is all downhill and takes hikers to a small log cabin that once was a fishing and hunting getaway for the previous landowner.

    Visitors are surrounded by tall, steep hills, and one of them is the second-highest prominence in Missouri. Be ready for a workout going back uphill, and wear sturdy boots.

    An abundance of tree species will be changing color


    1. Kid-friendly leaves: Nathanael Greene/Close Memorial Park

    For a much less grueling (and more kid-friendly) fall outing, take a stroll at Nathanael Greene/Close Memorial Park on Springfield’s west side. The walkways are paved! The tops of the park’s trees will soon begin changing color, especially around Lake Drummond.

    The geese will want a snack, but visitors are encouraged not to feed them. And for a huge variety of color, walk a short distance to the Springfield-Greene County Botanical Center and the Mizumoto Japanese Stroll Garden, which features hundreds of species of trees and plants. All areas are free.

    Henning Conservation Area offers more than five milesBuy Photo

    Henning Conservation Area offers more than five miles of scenic hiking trails on the northwest edge of Branson. (Photo: Wes Johnson/News-Leader)

    1. Taney County leaves: Branson tours

    The Branson/Lakes Area Convention and Visitors Bureau suggests four fall color routes you can drive. They’ll take one hour up to four hours, and leaf-peepers can see Table Rock Lake, Kimberling City, downtown Branson, Forsyth, Rockaway Beach, Bull Shoals Lake, Peel Ferry and Mark Twain National Forest, depending on the route you choose. Oh, and there’s a tour for walkers and joggers through Branson Landing and downtown. Find all the details, including handy maps, at explorebranson.com/fall/driving-tours.

    Meanwhile, don’t forget the Henning Conservation Area, located on Highway 76 near Shepherd of the Hills Expressway. It contains five miles of scenic trails.

    Leaves of a sweet gum tree glow red and orange Friday,

    Leaves of a sweet gum tree glow red and orange Friday, Nov. 4, 2005, at Pinnacle State Park near Little Rock, Ark. (Photo: DANNY JOHNSTON, ASSOCIATED PRESS)

    1. Arkansas leaves: Tour the Natural State

    If you really want to road-trip it, head south of the state line. Arkansas Parks and Tourism has a guide to scenic drives throughout the state and beyond. Explore the Boston Mountains Scenic Loop — from Fayetteville to Alma, it’s studded with state parks, historic sites and trails. Or consider the Scenic 7 Byway, from Harrison to Jessieville. Visit arkansas.com and search “fall foliage.” Like MDC, Arkansas Parks & Tourism offers a leaf guide that’s updated weekly.


    How our weather pattern in mid-Missouri could affect fall foliage


    Brigit Mahoney KQFX (MO), Sep 28, 2017 04:41 PM CDT

    Heading into fall, many look forward to the changing weather pattern, as well as the changing landscape. Beautiful, vibrant colors are an annual event as the leaves begin to change. However, many factors determine the look of fall foliage. Weather is one factor. In mid-Missouri, fall foliage typically is at its peak towards late October. The weather pattern we see leading up to this point can have a huge impact on how vibrant the colors are. Also, the weather pattern we see during the early fall season can impact foliage as well.

    After spring, once the leaves are fully developed, trees start to store nutrients that helps the green leaves transition into fall colors. This is why sufficient rainfall during the summer months is crucial for optimal fall foliage.

    This summer in mid-Missouri, we saw below average rainfall. For the months of June, July, and August, average rainfall in Columbia accumulates to 13.23″. Summer 2017 only brought in 11.21″, which is a little over 2″ below average. This isn’t a drastic drop in precipitation, but could be accounted for when considering fall foliage.

    As we look closer to fall, the month of September has been dry as well. Average rainfall in Columbia for September sits at 3.92″, but this month has only brought in 1.92″ of rain. That’s a deficit of 1.57″. When considering all four months leading up to October, we fall nearly 4″ short of average. This could impact the typical orange, red, and purple colors we see during peak fall foliage, instead giving us duller brown and orange tones.

    During the early fall, the weather continues to impact the foliage. Cool nights and sunny days help bring out the pigments in the leaves. For the next few days, mid-Missouri will have cool nights as lows drop into the 40s and 50s with sunny days. However, this pattern won’t last long.

    The Climate Prediction Center’s Temperature Outlook indicates a warm up that’s in store for all of mid-Mo. It also predicts above average tempurates from October 3-9. By Monday, temperatures will be back into the mid 80s during the day, with lows only bottoming out in the 60s. This could have a negative impact on our fall foliage.

    One last thing to note during the early fall season is rainfall. Surprisingly, it is better to have dry conditions as we head into the month October. This ensures that the leaves won’t fall prematurely before the colors develop. There is some good news here! The Climate Prediction Center’s Precipitation Outlook keeps most of mid-Missouri in below average rainfall from October 3-9. This could help those beautiful fall colors we all wish to see!

    During peak foliage, it’s important that we see light winds and no frost to ensure a longer period with the beautiful, vibrant landscape!

    Keep an eye out for the changing landscape here in mid-Missouri as we head towards late October. Send any photos to the ABC 17 Stormtrack Weather Team.

